It’s all about the trees…and other stuff

This week is National Tree Week and this year is International Year of the Tree. I have been a bit involved with wood the last couple of days so it seemed apt to mention. The issue of deforestation round the world does need to continue to be highlighted. There! Highlighted.

A fellow blogger who I subscribe to sent out a post today about how many slaves we all have working for us …and we do without even realising it. His report states that there are more slaves  (27 million) in the world doing work and not being paid than at any other time and we all have slaves, depending on how we live our lives…It seems I have 39 slaves working for me, which is because I have clothes and gadgets, the man who sent me the blog had 62 slaves. It would do no harm to do the survey and think about all the  random objects we have in our life (some sparkles in make-up is made by children) that are either put there by children or slaves. Definite serious food for thought …… click here to read

All a bit solemn today. I think I have Mondayitis. Christmas is not a specially favourite time of mine, have to make a real effort to keep it together and not end up in a hole, particularly once all the lovely songs stop.  Lots of things come up for folks at Christmas, especially people on their own, with money problems or with particularly dysfunctional familes. I love the weather and the bunkering down, and the fact it makes sense to spend a lot of time in the kitchen, if just to keep warm, and the fact that in a matter of weeks the darkest day is over and it starts to get lighter again. It really is important to make an effort to LIGHTEN UP in every way possible, with candles and sparkly lights and any jolly things.  I have a particularly good book on my desk at the moment, called ‘shit happens so get over it’….A silly coffee table book, or perhaps one to put next to the toilet…so today’s quote from the book to ponder on is this…..

‘ To succeed in life, you need three things, a wishbone, a backbone and a funny bone.’ -Reba McEntire

SONG OF THE DAY – Rabbit in Your Rucksack – Gitika

I have reloaded it on youtube and the quality is now far superior!

1 Comment

  1. Rabbit in your rucksack… I remember this from last time round. It’s just as barmy as before. Oh lordy lordy. What those crazy-ass folk in the big city get up to on a long winter evening 🙂

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