Chilling in my back room this morning and realise I have not one, but two rusty coloured visitors in our little London garden. A small fox comes and just hangs out, scratching it’s fleas, soaking up  a little bit of sun between the rain storms. It is sitting at the back of the garden when  the stray ginger cat arrives,  sits at the window, pressing its nose to the glass. It has taken a shine to doing this, every morning this week.

The two animals take absolutely no notice of each other.


On  Monday the Bishopsgate Singers do a stonking sharing of the Motown and Soul songs we have been practising this term. We had a fantastic time. The Bishopsgate Singers  is a community choir with no audition, and the sound is amazing! Once in a while we get a beautifully, slightly out of tune foghorn (sometimes several) who seems not to realise that there are no boats to be called  to safety, that it is actually sunny outside, or that they are deafening the person next to them who is too polite to say anything. Somebody has to get the job of taming those amazingly powerful voices….guess who? I love inclusivity…most of the time!


Best Whistling ever!

I took this picture in March outside the Youth Hostel in Borth on the Mid Welsh coast. I was running a singing workshop for 2 days, and was feeling particularly rough as I had had a nasty virus the week before. It took a long time to get to Borth on the train from London, but we had a lovely weekend and this was one of the nicest photos I took. A solitary runner on the beach…movement in the runner, the waves, birds flying and the rapidly sun sinking…but strangely there is so much stillness in the picture too.