As I am writing this post I am also directing Mr P. in the art of soup making. We are both feeling a bit crook today as we ate something funny on Sunday night -not funny ha ha…and are still recovering, so much weak and feebleness, aching limbs and dehydration etc….  This weekend I got out of the city  with some friends. Mr P. went fishing and birdwatching and I just lazed about and read 2 trashy novels, most unusual thing for me to do. I also walked a lot and took pictures of the changing seasons. These are my two favourites. While I was away we noticed again that there is a fruit glut this year, due to the fine weather we had  all that time ago in April. Funny that we are expecting an Indian Summer in October and we had a summer without a name in April, Tenerife summer maybe? ….and then mostly gloom and rain in between. So the finest weather with almost a six month gap in between, most peculiar.  This weekend we went blackberry picking and I made a wheat free crumble with only organic maple syrup to sweeten it. Just oats, butter, maple syrup and fruit. Yum. This other photo is of a large haystack and Mr P, which gives you an idea how big it is (  Mr P. thinks he  is 6 foot 2……) very seasonal sight.

SONG OF THE DAY – Fontella Bass -Rescue me

Lovely high quality video of  a great song. Bit short though… Wicked outfits and the band …well what can I say…