So minding my own business happily doing a bit of crochet on the Northern Line and pondering on why the tannoy lady who tells you not to obstruct the doors in the stations in South London is so much posher than the voice we get in the lifts in North London – she sounds like she is straight out of an Ealing comedy. Also why the lady in North London cannot pronounce some simple pronounciation. I think they may have changed the annoying ‘Ha Gut’-where are we? OH ! High Gate. But what is with the Golders Greeeeeeeen?

I was on the DLR just this week and they had the tannoy on was playing once and then double tracking about a sceond later. ..very dub-step.

The local bus tannoy lady has mispronounced the way we say Dalmeny and Carleton Road for so long I think we have all changed the way we say it and can no longer remember what is our way and what is the incorrect wierd way the tannoy  lady has been saying it for 3 years.

I always fancied there to be  competition that someone won each week and we got to have all the announcements on the tube this week from ‘Celia from Kennington’ or ‘Chantel from Burnt Oak’. I am very partial to the tube drivers who make whitty and sarcy remarks as long as they don’t shout!


Ashes to Ashes -I am learning to play this on the guitar and might even sing it at next months acoustic evening. I just absolutely love the video and the whole concept of this song. But when I watched the vid. I had to sit through a rather annoying advertisment for an unsightly burger…enough to put you off your tea. I do hope it does not happen to you…and if it does i am sorry…and I am sure David is too.