Yup…and it’s raining, it keeps on raining. Thanks goodness it is not raining in my heart. It really is a rum do when I start taking photos of puddles. It is grey and dull and the rain does not stop for any length of time…and the old weatherman says it could continue for some time. I still have the heating on, a steaming cold and there is not even a sneaking sign of impending summer. That is what happens when you have a hosepipe ban  – a bit like lighting a cigarette at the bus stop…the rain or the bus will come -if you are lucky that is. It just gives me an opportunity to post ( yawn yawn ) again “Raining in China” 1987 . Our only attempt at a real pop video on a budget of no pence..thousands of hours of filming and editing…pre-imovies and final cut. So all together now  “we must have needed it”.

SONG OF THE DAY -RAINING IN CHINA -Gitika and Mickey B. Goode


Happy Birthday To YOU! Blimey me and Mickey go back a long way. I think we ‘went into the studio’ about 1984 or 5. I met him in a local pub, and the rest, as they say is history.  Hundreds of gigs and songs later…..So its MBG’s birthday today.


Congratulations for reaching a fine age, and see you later, the trifle is nearly ready! To celebrate this birthday I am publishing a few fine photos of me and


Mickey through our musical partnership through the years and a little bit of video of us practising just the other week.

– It is very good of Mickey to let me play the guitar with him as he is an old master, as I am really a bit of a fledgling.

I am still sorting out my speech for January 1st and my proper life plan for the next year in between sorting out my computer which is on misbehave mode, so has to be turned off and ignored until it calms down and remembers its place. It sounds a bit silly to have a ( before I  kick the) bucket list, but it is good to have a focus , not that I really need more to do!


The first time I saw Mickey he was playing in his band Penguin Fury at the Stapleton Pub in Stroud Green in about 1982. He was the guitarist and they had a stuffed penguin at the front of the stage. They were very good. The drummer Bruno Perosa is a film maker too   (he edited Raining In China) the thing is can you work out which of the band is Mickey?

I took this picture through the window of a coach, while passing the Railway Station in Tours, France a couple of days ago. It was raining then, as it has been raining all day here in London. Really raining. Pouring. Because it was so grey it seemed to be dark so much earlier. The forecast does not seem to be promising that Indian summer I was banking on. I went to a meeting, got really soaked and then just got depressed about the winter coming as I watched the rain lashing down outside of the window. Ah well!

SONG OF THE DAY – Raining in China -Dear John

That was the name of the band I was in, in 1987. Ah those were the days. I have posted it before, but it is apt again today.

So we were in a band called “Dear John” and had ‘paid to play’ in all the places you ‘paid to play’ in the late 1908’s. We had played for 15 mins. to 3000 people on a saturday night at the Hippodrome, appearing via my first and last stage that rose from the basement…there is a special name for that but I can’t remember it. We played all the venues you were able to get a gig at, and a few you really should not have bothered to play at all. We played at the Mean Fiddler where you had to pay 50 quid to play and you only got it back if hundreds of your friends came with flyers with your bands name on -usually about 3 friends would turn up! We had a demo that was recorded in the middle of the night in a recording studio as it was cheaper then, was it called dead time?( perhaps it should have been called deaf time because by that time of night   the sound engineer usually  deaf, stoned or asleep. As the vocalist I  always got to put my tracks on at the end after the drummer, the bass player any guitarists and keyboard players,  usually in the last hour of the time we had, at about 5 in the morning, once every one else had had a millions times to get their tracks right. ‘How does that sound?’ ‘oh fine’ the band would say , usually cos they were either too drunk, imbibed or tired to notice or care about  the vocals. ha ha ha….

This track, I can’t even remember where we recorded it, but it sounds like I may have got a little bit more time to record my vocal than with some of the other band/demos I did. Oh it might have been in Dagenham.(!) Mickey wrote the song, the rest of the band – well there was Steve(bass) and Grady ( which does not disguise the fact his name was Graham, drums), and the tallest keyboard player in the world  also called Graham ( blimey two Grahams in one band…very slack). Lost touch with them all when the band split (as they usually always do), though I know Graham, keyboard, is in Scarborough. Izzy styled us and Anthony took me round Chinatown with a clockwork old super 8, and Bruno Perosa edited it. It was pre  any home editing suite and I remember us spending hours going through all the shots with a tooth comb, deciding what order they would be in.

We made the video with about three pennies to rub together -so thanks to all those people. We used shopping trollies instead of trackers and demolished Mickey’s flat. We bought a load of old china to throw around and then because of all the incense and bright film lights (borrowed)  in his dark Victorian basement flat, I think some poltergeist decided to finally leave and a huge shelf full of all Mickey’s china came crashing down in the middle of the filming. I had funny false eye lashes and wierd eyebrows but hey…it was the eighties. I should probably think myself lucky to get away with not looking more of a prat…though, what can only be described as a pineapple hairdo almost swung it. I like my high twiddly vocal bits in this. Anyway…I hope you enjoy this little trip down memory lane with me.

SONG OF THE DAY– RAINING IN CHINA -written by Mickey B. Goode. performed by Dear John.