A Note from Mr P.

 Hello, Mr P. signing in for Gitika tonight. Well since the accident yesterday, I have been trying hard to keep my spirits up and remind myself that it is  ‘business as usual”. I am not ready to go into details about what happened at the zoo -but as they say, the camera never lies. Perhaps after the weekend I shall be able to tell you more about it. Also I am going to be quite busy, what with the choir practices next week which I shall have probably have to to take over, so I am about to take a crash course in conducting ( it’s amazing what you can find on the internet these days). I wish I had concentrated more when I was in the audience and Gitika was flapping her arms about.

It has been snowing in London this evening, and it is now at least 4″ deep.  I ducked out and took a few snaps in the snow. It is amazing – when you use a flash and it is snowing as the flash catches the snowflakes and makes them look huge! Just as well about the snow really, as this week I shall be much too busy running Gitika’s choirs   to be building gardens. I suppose I better take a crash course in singing too. And as for this posting everyday…well I almost did not make it today and I am only on day 2.

It is probably good to see the up side of this whole situation, which includes the fact I can eat as much ice cream as I want, and I get to choose the song of the day, so watch out, as the music is about to get a whole lots classier.


Radio Dept -Heaven’s on Fire ( live)


  1. I’m dying to know what happened to G at the zoo. Did she get bitten by a lion? Fell into the shark pond? Attacked by a swarm of fire ants? Still, I’m happy to see the other half of the team is soldiering on – and you with you bad tooth. Looking forward to hearing some decent music at last 🙂

  2. Thanks S. Funnily enough London Zoo phoned at 8am this morning to say they found the African wild dogs cowering outside in the cold and when they looked in there house/pen they found a woman wrapped in straw snoring her little head off. Luckily she hadn’t chewed all her ID so as they can’t seem to go near her (heavy growling) i am now off to give a positive ID, luckily i am a member of the Zoology society so (AS long as i can coax her out ) there will be no charges.
    I will try and keep up the decent Music during her Quarantine.

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