Mickey B. Goode

Sooooo…presenting the other half of the long standing duo what is me and Mickey. We have been playing , singing and writing songs together for um…about 25 years…Seem to have conveniently mislaid any photos of us in the 80’s when there was an awful lot of crimping and hair dying going on.

Sometimes massive periods of studio work  with seventeen million backing vocals and as many instrumental tracks and then lots of acoustic stuff, and only in the last three months have i finally got me guitar out, so a renaissance of cover versions being played at What!-An Acoustic Evening.


Walking on a Tightrope -is a prime example of a slightly early 90’s track with just a tad too much going on in it. I wrote the lyrics about a work collegue I had, who was a  big bully..so something good came out of it…there is a nice break down half way, through so well worth listening to at least half of it before you start eating your arms off.  Have a Good Day

walking on a tightrope

1 Comment

  1. Re your blog on 21/1/11
    I thought I had ticked the ‘no publicity box’ when I first stated making music with Gitika 25 years ago, but now the secret is out.
    I’m the quiet one, except when I’m playing an instrument, & after 45 years as a musician its still a joy to play.
    Listening to this track (Tightrope) reminds me of how hard we had to work in the 90′s, investing & building a working studio, so we could write & record together, since when we’ve all moved on. Hey its time for Mickey B Goode & Gitika to think about writing another album, but in our 2011 style.
    Love peace & happiness to all your readers

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