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When One Door Closes….

“When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.”..has been quoted as being said by several different sources including Mr A. Bell. Blimey and I always assumed it was biblical!

This is my phrase of the week as I closed a door and someone, as if by magic closed another door for me…the idea now is to celebrate the space, the extra freedom and not watch the closed doors and be regretful or anxious that there will be no money or, bitter, or anything at all negative. The new doors will only open if I am open to new things. And there are so many doors……

One of my other phrases for this week is  from an wise fellow I met that says ‘be realistic plan for a miracle’ .

A fellow bloggers’ post arrive in my in box today and the first sentence was ‘Time is your most valuable commodity“. Never was a more apt phrase for the moment. The last phrase of Ms Hatch’s’ post which was  Moments of Freedom will never be given to you ~ you must take them also hits the spot too.

So I shall relax, stay open to new things and that my friends is the message of the day.

SONG OF THE DAY  -Walk Tall -Val Doonican

My absolute favourite thing about this song is the little backing vocals,  which sing ‘walk tall, walk straight’ which sound like backing vocalists on helium…As  kids we used to sing those bits and they made us laugh like drains. We loved his sweaters! Val Doonican is 84 and still going strong.

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