So what is the connection? 1987. I went to my local tapas bar last night. We have not been for about a year. Mr P. does this funny thing, that if we go anywhere ( and you can only do this is if you have the luxury of choice that we do living an a huge metroplis) and the food or the service is a bit shabby, he will go all northern on me and just say ‘we’re not coming  here again!’ -I dunno what happened when we went there last time, someone was having a bad day. But how lovely it was to go back.

I realised when we took some dear friends there, who have lived in the area as long as we have,  but had never been, that we have probably been to this tapas place many times over a 100 !

The chorizo in wine, the bean and chorizo, mushroom creme and spinach, calamaris, mediteranian ( no I cannot spell today!) king-prawns, beef medallions and red peppers, white bait, grilled sardines, tortilla, creme catalan, poached pears in port and ice cream…the list goes on and on…well there really is not anything on the menu that is not totally tasty and so freshly cooked.If you can wait 40 minutes they do paella -I love saying that like this, payeya! One day I shall go in and have it…but you have to arrive before you are famished…

El Molino Holloway Road, has been there since 1987 and I have been going there for 24 years and without doubt have been over 4 times a year- for lunch, tea, dinner, all kinds of celebrations. When people come into London and need a bed for the night, this is the first place we think of taking them to eat. The tapas menu is almost the same as it has been when we first started going there, they have specials every week. It is is 99% tasty, friendly, buzzy and reasonably priced, and a real family run business. Lovely. This not a restaurant review, though if you happen to be passing this way, and need some good food, it’s well worth popping in. I was just amazed when I realised how many times I must have been there, and how time is racing by. So it opened in 1987 …what was the song of that year for me?


AT LAST….A SEGWAY! I can now have a real excuse to put in one of my secretly favourite          ( well obviously no longer) tracks ever.  I love this song, it just makes me brim over with bubbles and love for life!!! Get your best dancing shoes on kids! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit’s Rick Astley! I am not going to tell you that I went on a couple of dates with one of the writers of this song, as it was a  long long long long time ago, and something I would  rather forget, though the friend who set me up could come out of the woodwork and say sorry and I would forgive her. Oops possibly too much information.