In Praise of a Cuppa, a Gossip and a Bit of Colouring In

The tidying, the broken appliances, the time off work which is supposed to be relaxing, but ends up being a bit stressful as the structure has all gone…The excruciating  physical pain of a type of condition it is not actually polite to talk about in mixed company. …it all got to much…I was like a kettle about to explode. So I ran off and escaped to a girlfriend’s house. We drank green tea, ate cheese and pineapple, did a bit of art and talked ourselves ragged.

Oh how much better did I feel! So much better. Thanks pal.

SONG OF THE DAY –Joni Mitchell -Woodstock

We are stardust ( millions year old carbon) we are golden…..still in keeping with the star lyric.


  1. Know what you mean about the lack of structure making things stressful and how good friends are at making it all better. Get well soon!

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